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Doctor Lewis

Dr. and Mama Lewis, Borrego, 1956

Borrego Springs

In spite of his very busy schedule, Dr. Lewis spent long hours in deep meditation at Borrego Springs during the time he ministered to the SRF devotees, taking one day of silent communion with God every week. Mrs. Lewis draped heavy black cloth over his meditation room so that the solar light would not diffuse the great spiritual light that he beheld.

After Dr. Lewis left his body, Mama had a beautiful chapel built there in honor of her late husband. The chapel was blessed by Brother Anandamoy and is now used by the monks who go on retreat at Borrego since the Lewis' home was recently given to SRF following Doctor’s and Mama’s wishes.

John and Brenda Rosser, 1964

Holidays at Borrego Springs

(This story was told by Mary Crawford who lived with Mama Lewis as friend and caretaker for thirty years. Mama Lewis died in her arms in 1988.)

It was not unusual for Dennis Weaver, James Arness, Mama Lewis, John and Brenda Rosser and Mary Crawford to spend weekend after weekend and holidays at Borrego Springs in the Lewis' retreat. They spent hours meditating, chanting, praying, eating, swimming and enjoying all of God's creation.

Christmas and Easter were very special for all. But these meditations ended when Mother Lewis passed away. Gatherings were not the same without her – she was such a loving “mother” to all!

There were usually up to 20 people seated in the chapel, filling it to capacity. Brenda played all the chants and the music for the day and John said the opening and closing prayers. We also listened to a recording of Master’s Christmas message. Then we would eat Mama’s famous fresh pea soup followed by a delicious buffet, followed by an evening of caroling lead by Brenda on the organ. The spirit of love and fellowship went on and on. I miss those glorious times!

Mama Lewis and Brenda Rosser

Mama Lewis and Dennis Weaver


What Are You?

Doctor Lewis said that he couldn't have made it without his weekly retreats in Borrego, getting away from his duties as Vice President of SRF and his responsibilities in Encinitas, San Diego and Hollywood Temples.

When he was in Borrego, Mrs. Lewis took care of all the home duties to make Doctor's stay as peaceful and relaxing as possible, for she was keenly aware that her husband was not like other men - she knew of his tremendous sadhana and his deep spiritual experiences.

One morning, as Doctor was slowly eating his breakfast, Mrs. Lewis was sitting across the table from him, saying nothing. She looked long and hard at him and then thought, "What are you anyway?"

This is commensurate with an experience John Rosser had with Doctor Lewis in the minister's room at the Hollywood Temple. After his regular interview with Doctor, John Rosser said to him, "Nobody knows what you are, do they, Doctor?" And Doctor Lewis replied, "No, even Mildred doesn't know me."

It is said that you can only truly recognize a saint when you become one.

